Wednesday, January 19, 2011
My eventful flight to Hawaii
I made my reservations last minute in the holiday season so I had to use 3 different airlines. I flew Detroit to Denver, Denver to Seattle and Seattle to Hawaii.
We had about a 30 minute wait on the runway before the pilot announced that we would be the next to take off. Just as he began to taxi to the run way he made a second announcement that we would be delayed for maintenance. One of the electrical components had mysteriously gone out. We were delayed several hours and I had only 12 minutes when we landed in Denver to make it to the connecting flight so I ran most of the way. Once there I noticed a repair crew come on board and the stewardess announced that we would be delayed about an hour because one of the electrical components had mysteriously gone out.
Needless to say that I was happy that the Seattle flight to Hawaii had no delay and I arrived on time. The fact that 2 of the flights experienced the same electrical failure might have just been some freaky coincidence but it was definitely something that made me go Hmmm….
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
What do the sentient races think of Hu.mans?
Have you ever stopped to think about how the race appears to the higher alien civilizations? Do hu.mans possess the intellectual ability to take an honest look at themselves and see exactly how they appear to the Watchers? Maybe if you could see yourselves through our eyes you would understand the frustration we feel at dealing with you as we try to help you evolve into a species worth saving.
This is not said with malice…it is said with the hope that you will open your eyes and perhaps for the first time ever take an honest look at your behavior and how it will ultimately influence your survival. If you continue to walk around with blinders on you will not identify the problems and thus they will go uncorrected. Without the ability to identify and analyze a problematic situation there is no hope of correcting it.
You have worn these blinders for centuries and are quick to look the other way when you encounter a behavior that you find unpleasant to deal with or think about, but these deviant behaviors are not self correcting and if you continue to act in this manner it will guarantee the genocide of hu.mans for the 3rd and final time.
You have a society full of abhorrent behaviors. You are prejudice beyond belief, you sell children to pedophiles and sell women into slavery and to be used for more heinous crimes such as the production of snuff flicks where they are brutally murdered and recorded for the pleasure of the deviant viewers who pay enormous amounts for such products.
Your treatment of the planet is equally despicable. How can you expect Earth/Gaia to sustain your life if you do not sustain hers? Is there anything that you have not polluted?
You genocide various species of animals and birds here with no thought of the consequence of your actions. Everything here was designed to run as an efficient eco system and you have made a mess of it all.
Fossil fuel and the European banking system have become your GODs. You claim that you wish to travel the universes and space like other species do however this endeavor take precedence over feeding and caring for those on your own planet. Why would another species want you to come to their home if this is the way you behave in your own?
Your green god…your money, has become so all important to you that you have created designer diseases such as cancer and then sell your afflicted your so called cures all in the name of earning a dollar at the expense of your victims. Do you think there are other races on other planets that use your money system?
You dig up the surface of earth in search of the past and are oblivious to the present… this is not the behavior we desire to see if you wish to have a future.
We are billions and billions of years old and you are only several thousand…your arrogance is laughable. What is not humorous is the fact that you are without doubt the most arrogant species of all.
You lie, cheat and steal from each other. Are we to believe that you will treat us in a better way than you treat your own kind?
You cannibalize each other…have you ever actually used your decimal math system to calculate the pounds of meat that the planet consumes daily and how much surface area is actually used to raise this meat? The numbers do not add up. You consume far more meat that you are capable of raising with the area designated for such activity. Was this not one of the reasons you were destroyed in the past?
And who do you blame for all of these maladies you have brought upon yourself? ALIENS , lol. You are not indigenous to the planet … what the hell do you think you are?
Monday, January 10, 2011
What do the sentient races think of Hu.mans?
Have you ever stopped to think about how the race appears to the higher alien civilizations? Do hu.mans possess the intellectual ability to take an honest look at themselves and see exactly how they appear to the Watchers? Maybe if you could see yourselves through our eyes you would understand the frustration we feel at dealing with you as we try to help you evolve into a species worth saving.
This is not said with malice…it is said with the hope that you will open your eyes and perhaps for the first time ever take an honest look at your behavior and how it will ultimately influence your survival. If you continue to walk around with blinders on you will not identify the problem and thus they will go uncorrected. Without the ability to identify and analyze a problematic situation there is no hope of correcting it.
You have worn these blinders for centuries and are quick to look the other way when you encounter a behavior that you find unpleasant to deal with or think about, but these deviant behaviors are not self correcting and if you continue to act in this manner it will guarantee the genocide of hu.mans for the 3rd and final time.
You have a society full of abhorrent behaviors. You are prejudice beyond belief, you sell children to pedophiles and sell women into slavery and to be used for more heinous crimes such as the production of snuff flicks where they are brutally murdered and recorded for the pleasure of the deviant viewers who pay enormous amounts for such products.
Your treatment of the planet is equally despicable. How can you expect Earth/Gaia to sustain your life if you do not sustain hers? Is there anything that you have not polluted?
You genocide various species of animals and birds here with no thought of the consequence of your actions. Everything here was designed to run as an efficient eco system and you have made a mess of it all.
Fossil fuel and the European banking system have become your GODs. You claim that you wish to travel the universes and space like other species do however this endeavor take precedence over feeding and caring for those on your own planet. Why would another species want you to come to their home if this is the way you behave in your own?
Your green god…your money, has become so all important to you that you have created designer diseases such as cancer and then sell your afflicted your so called cures all in the name of earning a dollar at the expense of your victims. Do you think there are other races on other planets that use your money system?
You dig up the surface of earth in search of the past and are oblivious to the present… this is not the behavior we desire to see if you wish to have a future.
We are billions and billions of years old and you are only several thousand…your arrogance is laughable. What is not humorous is the fact that you are without doubt the most arrogant species of all.
You lie, cheat and steal from each other. Are we to believe that you will treat us in a better way than you treat your own kind?
You cannibal each other…have you ever actually used your decimal math system to calculate the pounds of meat that the planet consumes daily and how much surface area is actually used to raise this meat? The numbers do not add up. You consume far more meat that you are capable of raising with the area designated for such activity. Was this not one of the reasons you were destroyed in the past?
And who do you blame for all of these maladies you have brought upon yourself? ALIENS , lol. You are not indigenous to the planet … what the hell do you think you are?
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
What does energy wave technology do to the ones using it?
Perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions is that the individuals referred to as handlers who actually man the wave weapons are unaffected by using this technology. It is a guaranteed death sentence as it is the same radioactive technology as the arc of the covenant which is now housed in Ethiopia. It is notable that only one person is allowed to be around the arc of the covenant and that individuals dies every few years of radiation poisoning.
For the young techies and there are many on this site who are involved at this level you should know that this is not a new technology. It is much older than the race itself and is well documented in battles that occurred before Christ. Perhaps one of the easiest to verify was the battle of Alexander the Great which was the last significant military use of it until it was used against Iraq several years ago. The story goes something like this in the case of Alexander the Great….and an angel of the lord went before them and stilled their enemy so in the morning when they went to fight they all appeared as if they had died in their sleep.
In fact today cardiac arrhythmias appear the be the red ink coding of choice for immediate termination and you can see a photo of what one actually looks like in the waves at this location.
As I mentioned it is not only the targeted individual who suffers as the energy used is a photonic light energy and it radiates the handler. This is guaranteed to cause cancer and other maladies related to irregular cell division and will also affect your children as it causes spontaneous mutations in the gamete reproductive cells. Even children who appear to be normal at birth are at extreme risk for learning disability, add, adhd and other maladies.
If you have been informed otherwise then you have been lied to and need to do some research.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
2012 Nephilim will restore order to the earth
Let me start this article by telling you who we are and why you should not be afraid of us. There are many different species that you will be sharing the surface of Earth with in the immediate future and it is important that you know we are here to help you and that we understand that you might be afraid at first. All things unfamiliar trigger the flight or fight instinct that hu.mans have but just because something is unfamiliar to you does not necessarily mean that it intends you harm. Try to think about a time when you saw someone walking a great big dog and didn’t know if it would bite you or lick your hand so you approached cautiously. Once you realized it wouldn’t harm you and it was ok to interact with it you were no longer afraid. That is the way you must learn to view other species because the universe is full of life and it comes in all different forms. Unfortunately you have been lied to and kept in the dark about such things so for many of you this will certainly be a time of change, but it will be a change for the better.
I am Sofia and I belong to the Nephilm Court who are gargoyle except for me, I am a Machqui.
The Nephilim Court:
Supreme Commander Lord KA - aka Allah, IAM, Buddah
Supreme Commander Lord AN - aka Anubis - Anu's World Order is the new world order
Supreme Commander Lord EN - aka Enlil, Jehovah, Yahweh
Supreme Commander Lord EA - aka Enki, Lucifer, Samael, Jesus Christ
EA's Sofia - aka Enki's Sofia, Sofia of Christ, the Magdalene, Lillith
Who am I?
The wife of Supreme Commander Lord EA
The daughter of Supreme Commander Lord ANU
The mother of RA and AVA MARIA
RA aka Amun Ra, Marduk, James, the child roman soldiers chased through the streets at the crucifixion, JP
Ava Maria - the Holy Grail
The littlest angel, carried in utero by Sofia when they landed in France and traveled to Masada where she was born. Thus the saying that the Holy Grail was carried over the water, in the water.
The Nephilim travel with Allah’s Men also known as GODs Angels. They have been described as those who thought themselves into being and while much theological debate has occurred over this statement it is not a difficult concept to understand if you understand what it is to be able to harness matter and shape shift.
The Allah’s Men are male and female. The males are Lycanthrope and the females are Raifes. When in spirit form they live on energy and when they think themselves into being, in other words take corporeal form they are vegetarian. Even many religious writings such as the bible reference the Lycanthropes calling them ‘kindred who will howl’.
We are tri chromosomal as opposed to the bi chromosomal hu.mans who currently occupy the surface of the earth. This accounts for the fact that we are spirits and not ensouled beings. The 3rd chromosome is responsible for the spiritual nature of our beings and gives us the ability to bilocate, astro project and use mental telepathies.
Another difference that we have is our physiology. We have holographic minds and are able to materialize things by manipulating matter using the energy waves our minds create. This is a concept that is often difficult for earth hu.mans to comprehend as it defies their laws of physics. The main reason for this is because the physics currently being taught to hu.mans is incorrect. I have seen several angelic symbols used in math at calculus levels which makes no sense at all. Any math used in the manipulation of matter is based on a hexadecimal system so I am often puzzled as to why a few hexadecimal based formulas were thrown into a sea of decimal based formulas with any expectation of success. It is because of this that Einstein’s theory of relativity could never be successfully completed and dark matter remains a mystery to science.
I have been here as a watcher since 1957 and am amazed and saddened by what I have seen. My identity has until now remained unknown except to a few and I have had constant protection provided by my father Supreme commander Lord Anu and the Allah’s Men. This is the only way I did not end up in the Montauk Project or some other government facility with scientist trying to dissect me to see how I work. But perhaps more sad than the treatment that has been extended to those perceived as different is the inhumane way in which you treat each other.
Disease in not indigenous to Earth. It was created and then sent into the atmosphere to bounce through the energy waves to the intended victims be it a race or an individual. It is then carried into the tissue of the body with the other energy waves and interferes with the RNA messengers as they deliver the genetic blueprints of .individual proteins ordered by the body. This statement can be backed up with your own scientific evidence and research, in particular that done by Peter Gariev in Russia where he used a red laser light shone through a holograph of a salamander embryo into a frog embryo to rearrange the chromosomes and actually alter the species thus changing the frog to a salamander. While I can go into the specifics of this it would be beyond the comprehension of the average person and it is this individual that I wish to educate and to help.
When my friend Kira and I were recently discussing this she told me that hu.mans call this Pandoras box and that history tells of this occurring. Obviously not much was learned from the past events as the race has been destroyed several times for acting this way towards each other and different species.
We have the ability to remove the RNA interceptors and end all sickness but we are faced with this question… why would we want to save a species of individuals who will simple injure others for no reason. So much has been written about the ‘aliens’ and how they will harm mankind but this is ludicrous as you have genocide yourself by acting this way. One example of this is aids being sent up by those who targeted several specific groups. Their belief that only these particular individuals would be affected backfired and then they had no way to undo their malicious actions. If you have no divine intervention by a higher evolved species you will all die in a relatively short period of time at your own hands and you don’t even have to set off a nuclear weapon to accomplish this.
You have sent two types of RNA interceptors into your atmospheric waves called repeating and non repeating.
The non repeating cause irregular cell growth for things such as skin ailments. The more detrimental repeating RNA interceptors act much in the same way as what you refer to as AI or artificial intelligence and spontaneously mutate. This is the case with HIV, AIDS and various flues like the H1N1. These are all manmade ‘designer’ diseases and cause horrible painful death.
On top of that I have found through my investigation that after these were sent up MIT, Harvard, Cunige and other universities apply for grants to research a specific problem with a specific protein. Why has no one ever questions how they knew to look at that particular single protein when the body produces so many? I know these particular individuals are involved because of the numerous recorded conversations I have where they are discussing their actions however they are not the only ones and other members of my team have been gathering information on everyone involved.
The energy wave technology is a communications system and a way of monitoring newly evolving civilizations undisturbed as they develop. It was never meant to be utilized in this way as a weapon. Neither hu.mans nor the slightly older alien races with a little more technology who tried unsuccessfully to be gods can make from scratch a single cell membrane much less design and create a universal membrane which functions as a brain and registers everything that occurs within that dimensional layer with the Universal Matrix which you can think of as a high tech computer system.
Lloyd Pye has the most accurate information I have found anywhere when it comes to the creation of you, the race. He is absolutely correct that your genes are a combination of reptilian aliens combines with the alma which is an upright bipedal hominid. These early astronauts not only created but they have preyed on them since that time.
They could not give you the 3rd chromosome because they themselves did not possess it to pass on. That is why we the Nephilim have come for the last several thousand years to assess the situation happening here on earth and investigate the celestial elements who were behind it all. I would love to give you a sugar coated fairy tale that painted a bright picture for everyone however I am not going to lie to you about the seriousness of the situation here on earth. In the last 6 months 39 species have been genocide from this and other universal sectors. Many sectors themselves have been destroyed and Gaia sector is in a vacuum so there is no place to run and no place to hide for the guilty parties.
All life is important to us and even though we did not create you we will help your species make it through and you will eventually be given your own universe to build in whatever way pleases you and we will help you accomplish this.
Those who make it will be educated and taught correct physics, math, science and biology. You will have the answers to many of your questions about other life in the universe, creation, etc. The only thing holding back the race now is the government structures as they need to come down in ways that will be beneficial for the people who live there not the leaders. Your armies will be disassembled and the military complex will no longer exist. One of the few things that have actually made me laugh in the last year was a few days ago North Korea threatened a nuclear holocaust if South Korea didn’t cooperate. No country has had nuclear capabilities for some time now.
All heads of state for all countries have been instructed not to launch missiles or satellites and that is the reason for the numerous failures in 2010.
Once the RNA interceptors are removed most diseases will reverse themselves as the body will go back to automatically building the correct proteins. When Bush referenced the Axis of Evil he was referring to the major players in sending these interceptors into the atmosphere, unfortunately these are not the only players and your entire earth is a mess for lack of a more accurate term.
Government heads have known that Anu World Order has been coming for some time now and there is no way it can be prevented as our technology supersedes anything hu.mans have and thank goodness it does. We will make sure there is no hunger, no sick and no homeless. Because your entire existence revolves around a ridiculous money system based on injuring each other that too will be restructured so that everyone is productive in a more positive fashion.
More specific details will be forth coming soon so do not fear. For those of you who have been injured by this situation let me say that my heart breaks at the amount of suffering you have had to endure at the hands of these lesser beings and each other. We will help you to correct the situations so you may have a better future and above all else we will tell you the truth which seems to be something that all earth governments avoid at all cost.