Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tessla recorded aliens on the radio waves too

Every day 24/7 I record and listen to the alien nations talking on the radio waves… I never realized until a few days ago when reading the journals of tessla that he did the same thing…


Voices in the Aether

“After his initial reception of enigmatic radio signals in 1899, Tesla worked for many years to perfect the receiving and transmitting equipment that was needed to better pick up and translate the possible alien broadcasts. At first the signals were nothing more than rhythmic sounds, almost a Morse code type of transmission he reported.

Around 1918, Tesla started to receive what he considered to be voice transmissions, except the voices he was picking up were not human. Instead, Tesla wrote that,

"The sounds I am listening to every night at first appear to be human voices conversing back and forth in a language I cannot understand. I find it difficult to imagine that I am actually hearing real voices from people not of this planet. There must be a more simple explanation that has so far eluded me."

In 1925 Tesla wrote that,

"I am hearing more phrases in these transmissions that are definitely in English, French and German. If it were not for the fact that the frequencies I am monitoring are unusable for terrestrial radio stations, I would think that I am listening to people somewhere in the world talking to each other. This cannot be the case as these signals are coming from points in the sky above the Earth."

Nikola Tesla may have been one of the first to receive strange radio signals that he thought were from beyond Earth, but he certainly wasn't the last. It is now known in the journals of Fortean that mysterious messages claiming extraterrestrial origins are being received repeatedly by ordinary, household electronics. Startled witnesses have reported strange signals emanating from turned off televisions and radios, as well as weird phone calls filled with electronic sounds and whispering voices.

In the early days of radio experimentation, hobbyists were amazed when their primitive sets would suddenly burst forth with strong, clear signals, far more powerful then any existing station at the time. The signals have often been explained away as normal radio interference caused by the weather or other natural sources.

In 1965, Soviet scientists Gennady B. Sholomitsky, Nikolai Kardashev and I. S. Shklovskii, received world wide attention when they announced that they had received radio signals from beacons of some super-civilization in space. These signals, they said, were ordered and indicative of interplanetary intelligence.

Later, other radio astronomers discovered that these signals were coming from celestial bodies that we now know as quasars. Other strange radio signals have not been as easily explained.

Dr. Hugh Mansfield Robinson, conducting a set of radio experiments in 1921, received intelligent signals on the thirty-thousand-meter wavelength. Ernest B. Rogers, the engineer in charge of the test felt compelled to state that,

"the signals were of extraterrestrial origin, as there were no sending instruments of that power on Earth at that time."

An amateur radio astronomer named Grote Reber reported receiving strong dot-and-dash signals from space in 1939. He had build a thirty-foot dish antenna in Wheaton, Illinois and said he often listened to the signals for eight hours at a time. They seemed to come from one specific spot in the sky.

None of these early, mysterious signals have ever been explained.”

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