Monday, May 9, 2011

Celestial Who’s Who

Celestial Who’s Who – in light of the Iranian Arrest of the Magicians summoning Djinn I thought some of you might like to know a few facts about the ones you call Inter dimensional Beings

Spiritual Realm on EA’s Space Base EARTH in Gaia Sector:

Who are the players in the spiritual war taking place on EARTH ?

Golem Dimension/level/channel 4
Raphaem Dimension/level/channel 5 aka Raphael’s minion
Adamics Dimension/level/channel 6 – Adam’s minion
Seraphaem Dimension/level/channel 7
Gaylem Dimension/level/channel 8 – Gabriel’s minion
Elohim Dimension/level/channel 9
Dimension/level/channel 10+

The number/level/channel designation of the dimensions is not in ascending numerical order that signifies a correlating molecular spin – for example the Adamics on level 6 have a spin equivalent to level 10 beings. The numbers on the levels do however correlate to when they were created or when they came to live here in this sector.

Proper way to identify themselves – here is an example using the Adamics which are my creations:
Adam L6 – this signifies the adamic race/level/dimension 6

Most Important Physiological Difference in the Various Energy and how that is affected by the molecular spin of the beings life force:
The higher the spin the more psychic and telekinetic ability – of the beings listed only the Adamics have true telekinetic and psychic ability that they are able to harness in all dimensions, the other beings with lesser molecular spin need to use the scalar/light wave/ radio wave technology.

Interesting dimensional facts - hopefully I have the correct terminology to explain these facts in a simplistic way that all may understand …

Each dimension is occupied by energy beings/spirits/energy aliens who have a specific molecular spin to their sub atomic makeup, this allows them to exist in their natural energy state and not harm or be harmed by those with a different molecular spin

Lesser vs Higher Spirits – lesser does NOT mean less valuable/having less worth – it is simply a reference to the molecular spin

Why is it important to classify the energy beings/spirits/demons/energy aliens into different categories like Lesser and Higher Realms ?
it is to protect the life force of all due to the law of nature to constantly strive to maintain a state of equilibrium through Osmosis

What happens if an energy with a lesser molecular spin comes in contact with an energy that has a hotter/more rapid/higher/more radioactive molecular spin ?
it would be like throwing water into a fire and the being with the lesser molecular spin will be burned up/consumed by/absorbed by the being with the higher spin

If the spirits with different molecular spins cannot have direct contact how do they all know each other?
1. They communicate via radio ways/photonic waves/scalar waves depending on the distance of the communication- think of it as a local cell phone call within the same universal sector and long distance if you call someone outside of Gaia Sector
2. By being ‘ensouled’ the ‘id’/energy alien/spirit/demon is housed inside of a Sirian blue sphere of light which acts as a protective bubble making it possible for those with Life Force having a different molecular spin to interact.

Facts on Ensoulment and the 3rd dimension –

A soul is created when an energy is placed inside of the blue sphere of light and at that time if the being wishes to come into corporeal form/come through the water/be born a biological housing is created for that being. Each fetus is genetically specific to the ensouled being it was created for or at least that is how it is supposed to be.

I want to point out that not all ensouled beings wish to take corporeal form and some come as the blue orbs that are occasionally caught on camera film and show up in a photograph…ghost hunters love when this happens lol… for those of you who are looking for spirits that show up on film you can email me and I will send you some of the photos I have

Levels of radiation on 3rd dimension Earth Base and who can be here safely vs who must be ensouled.
Golums – are not radioactive to level/dimension 3
Adamics – are of the 2nd highest molecular spin and have the same atomic makeup as energies in level
Seraphaem – highly radioactive to those who live naturally in a 3rd dimension
Gaylem – highly radioactive to those who live naturally in a 3rd dimension
Elohim – highly radioactive to those who live naturally in a 3rd dimension

Problems when Inter dimensional travelers do not abide these rules:
They cause radioactive poisoning of the rightful inhabitants such as abnormal cell division which causes cancer. I also want to say that this is strictly forbidden and they know their life force will be terminated if they get caught. Since we do not allow anyone to come who is not ensouled they must sneak down through a dimensional membrane which actually functions more like a brain and the tear they make in it is registered with our computer we call the Universal Matrix. When they cross this dimensional divide it automatically registers the energy waves of the guilty beings which are then tracked through their genetically individual energy wave/brain waves. Their brain waves are then ‘spidered’ much like the email spider all you IT techies use so we are aware of everyone they come in contact with, etc…..

They are desperation trying to find a way to hide and alter their recorded brain waves and much genetic cloning has been done with the various other species that reside naturally here in this 3rd dimension on Earth in hopes that they will find a combination that will be somehow altered and make it impossible to track them as they move from being to being.

Scalar Wave Technology – why was it invented and when?
It was invented aeons/billions of years ago and is a cell phone for the ships/ufos and bases/planets

The lesser beings have no firewall for their brain and are all susceptible to the mind control being done with the scalar waves.

Why are some aliens/demons/spirits being terminated/genocide and not others when it would appear that they have all been involved in these crimes against Hu..mans?

Nazi –
Nazi = Anazazi = A Nazi = a scalar danced Yellow Dropa = Light warrior
Puppet Master of Dropa/Jews/Asians = Elohim
Puppet Master of Judus/Aunt Judi/Uncle Sam/police = Seraphaem

The true HOPI are the spirit guides of the Indians who use their name for their Earthly tribe.. They are the L10+ spirits and are shape shifters who can harness matter in this physicality. Many are my beautiful Lycans and they help hu.mans evolve and learn respect for nature and how things should be.

The skinwalkers were anazazi who like the dropa were cannibals feeding on humans and each other. They would skin the humans and wear their skins to hide who they really were and make it easier to prey on them and is why the skinwalkers afe feared and the animal spirit guides are loved.

If you do an online search you will see that the Anazazi ruins contained human skins.

This is the hybrid cross for the starchild skull of Lloyd Pye.

Dropa – yellow Chinese aliens who arrived here on Earth with their infamous humming disc which were used to play the mind control hums that are reported all over the world everywhere except was a determining factor to hit the axix hard enough to shift it and cause the recent big quake.

These beings are NOT grays – they are yellows and they landed her the last time about 12,000 years ago and spread out over the various continents under the names of Aztecs, Incas, Anazazi, Mayans.
Dropa are cannibals and were hunted down by the Turks when they first landed.

Usually after these unexplained hums are heard there are many unexplained suicides, riots and other crazy behavior by hu.mans.

China is the only country in the world right now that refuses to discontinue its scalar activity and because of this they are scheduled for genocide in the same way that the village in the Qinling Mountains disappeared. We have all their brain waves and they aren’t going anywhere we don’t notice.

The original Dropa lines in China are through Han and Huang Dynasties. The little yellow Dropa were a dwarf species and so in order to protect themselves when they first arrived here they did things like create the terra cotta warriors and then would use the scalar holographic technology to project multiple images of a nonexistent army in an attempt to keep anyone from traveling the yellow brick road of china.

Lyra-I call these guys the air piranha as they had a stretched out triangular shape and their teeth reminded me of the fish – they give new meaning to the term I hear used by the blood feeders online – ‘nom nom’

Pleadian – the ones who have created cities under ground and feed on humans…also the ones who assisted Hitler by providing the bell ufo technology that was brought to the United States and now makes up the NASA group of Handlers.

JackAssians – This group includes all of the above, lol…it is my nick name for the group of level 10+ wannna bes who do not possess any true telepathic or telekinetic ability like the Kardasian do. They covet this so much it seemed a fitting way to label them.

Story of the little fish that wanted to be god-

There was once a little fish living and evolving happily in his own environment until someone hooked him. They took this little fish out of the water and put him on the beach and said,” little fish…if you try really hard and meditate, fast, hold hand with your friends you will raise the vibrations of this universal sector and be able to access/activate the GOD gene in yourself. So the little fish listened to his creators/false gods every one of them and died from the lack of oxygen trying to be GOD when there was never anything wrong with being a little/lesser fish.

Scalar fishers of men they were fishing with a scalar hook ….

A note on the DNA -

In the center/nucleus of every cell is the blue print for everything that exists in a Universal Sector. These blue prints are Sector specific… we created this universal sector …we are not from here … therefore the GOD gene the Nazi search for is not accessible to them

Hu.mans/lesser beings –
Double helix, 12 strand dna

Our level/ the level they covet –
Triple helix, 36 strand dna – 24 strands are in the ethereal realm and cannot be accessed by them – it is the 24 etheral dna strands and the triple helix that are responsible for the telepathetic and telekinetic abilities .. it is what allows us to harness matter in any physicality

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