Thursday, December 2, 2010

MIT Media Lab Patti Maes is dead

So are many of the Media Lab and Real Estate/ Architecture Staff.
How do I know this?

I know because I have their deaths recorded from the feb 2010 scalar hypnotic session they did in my home in West Linn, Oregon USA.

I have been in the Dept of Defense and NSA computer since the day i was born and my file can be found with the following information.
cynthia ann dupuy
new orleans, la
441 62 8632
under a classified project called Anu's Fairy Princess

The majority of the others who were originally teaching at the Media Lab are also no longer among the living and this is especially true for many in the architecture/real estate dept.

There has been and still is an investigation being conducted by a federal electronic harassment task force and that is why the electronic harassment has been decreasing over the last few months.

Why am I unafraid to speak out when most fear retaliation?

For some reason the code blue doesn't affect my heart. I was first hit with it in 1997 by Colonel Robinson of the Michigan state police. When they couldn't atop my heart the hit the axel on the ford truck i was driving and the wheel came off at 70 mph. The vehicle flipped several times and I was in the hospital for over a week, in the cardiac ward connected to a system that monitored cardiac enzymes 24/7 and they did 2 full sets of chest xrays.I was then sent home with a clean bill of health. Within a week of being released my doctor did an echo cardio gram and found posterial lateral hypokenesis which means in regular language that the back part of the left ventricle died. She did her own set of xrays and found 4 broken ribs, #2 over the heart and #3,#4,#5 at the sternum. I took my medical records from my private physician to the hospital and told them i had no interest in suing but it would have been nice if they had found at least 1 of the broken ribs.

I have recorded numerous conversations referencing that event and how each time they did stop my heart it spontaneously restarted. MIT media staff was also unsuccessful in stopping my heart. That is why I am able to be the bait for the investigation....perhaps there was some kind of divine intervention or maybe it just wasn't my time to die. I told the police i was a child of GOD and walked with the Archons when they arrived at my house to see how I was after the accident that happened 50 miles from my house. Isn't it odd that I don't remember calling them and telling them it had happened? Perhaps Colonel Robinson notified them he had been unsuccessful.

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