Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why are RNA inteceptors in audio waves everywhere?

The Photo is of several RNA Inteceptors I found when just recording silence in my home

DNA is the genetic blueprint in the nucleus middle of each cell.

Each cell has the blueprint/instructions to build all of the proteins our body needs to operate correctly.

Scientist have divided the DNA into what they call contributory and non contributory.

Contributory – is what a specific species actually uses and humans use approximately 10% of the entire amount.

Non Contributory – is what some have called ‘junk’ genes because they were not sure why it was there. This makes up the remaining 90%. They are NOT junk, the human body simply does not produce the catalyst to activate the non contributory portion as they would create something other than a human being or produce conditions that may work fine in another species but not in our own.

When the body needs something like sugar/glucose it releases a messenger into the blood stream. That messenger then circulates throughout the entire body looking for the slot it fits into. Everything in the body works on a system like fitting a round peg in a round hole, square shape in a square, etc… When this messenger finds a cell membrane with a slot for its specific shape it slips into it and tells the cell membrane that the body has ordered something specific.

The RNA then travels to the middle of the cell and has a chemical conversation that goes something like this,” hey, I know you have the blueprint for everything to build every type of life in our specific universe but i just received an order for this one little piece. May I please have the instructions to give to the bloodstream who will take it to the right place in the body to be built”.

The DNA say ok here you go and the RNA begins to travel back to the cell membrane where it will release the instructions for building exactly what the body needs to function at its best.

DNA is simply chemical spots on a helix.

Dr. Mengele who did research for Hitler decided he was infinitely wiser than our creator so he decided to try and create a ‘super soldier’ by sending a chemical to hijack the RNA on its way back to the membrane and the chemical reaction that occurred changed the original blueprint released by the DNA into something else. Then the hijacker released the RNA and it gave an incorrect set of building instructions to the cell membrane that passed it along to the bloodstream.

This caused irregular cell divisions and is the main reason for cancer, diabetes, Aids, HIV and other such diseases.

The Unites States seemed to concentrate on the 10% contributory and Russia seems to have been more interested in the 90% non contributory.

The human genome project announced after completing it’s research that the non contributory genes in a human contain genetic coding for at least 28 different species of aliens.

Russia, Japan and Turkey with the aid MIT in their infinite wisdom decided they wanted to know what these allegedly alien beings/species looked like so they sent what is called RNA interceptors over the audio waves and introduced the non contributory DNA and then began monitoring the ones they has tagged as targets for these experiments to see what happened over time.

Morgellons is a good example of some of this handy work. It is also responsible for multiple birth defects and maladies that humans now suffer from.

Mit worldwide and Dr. Peter Garaeiv took it a step further and began using this technique to cause a problem with the productions of specific proteins and then apply for grant money to develop drugs to cured what would not have ailed you in they had not given to you to begin with. Could they not think of anything else to market other than humanity’s health.

There is really not much to curing the problems because they know if they quit transmitting the signals the majority of the conditions would simply reverse themselves and the body would correct the cell division on its own. But then how would they make money??

Is there anything that MIT and some of these other individual would not do for a dollar???

What does a heart attack look like in an audio wave transmissions?

nov 26, 2010

SETI what are they doing with the money from their investors

I called SETI and they told me they had over 90 scientist but they in no way were trying to send or recieve transmissions into space. Yet below is their mission statement on their site.

What is their true agenda and for whom?

The Mission of the SETI Institute is to explore, understand and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe. We believe we are conducting the most profound search in human history - to know our beginnings and our place among the stars.

Who wants to destroy Humanity

The Dome of Jerusalem is an ancient communication tower used by beings for scalar wave transmissions aka communication on sound/energy waves.

Israel is using this system to hold hostage every nation in the entire world and was the one to transmit it into Iraq causing the soldiers to surrender with their weapons when the country was originally invaded.

Why did the USA invade Iraq? Everyone knows that they did not have the weapons of mass destruction or did they.... since it was Mesopotamia and the original landing place was sippur did Israel need to access it for something they believe is hidden or perhaps buried nearby?

Why were the museums broken into and the ancient artifacts removed? If anyone came to the USA and broke into the Smithsonian Museum or went to London and broke into their museum there would be hell to pay.

So what is it Israel hopes to achieve with this under handed maneuver?

Could it be world domination of all nations?

Let's take a look at the museum where the stolen artifacts were taken , which museum you ask...why London museum where the artifacts were taken as they never went to the United States of America. In fact it is public knowledge that the young Prince William also in listed in the armed services. Is his bravery not bazaar behavior considering the fact that his father Prince Charles gave his last speech via HOLOGRAPH because he was afraid to fly.

And while I enjoyed reading Sitchin’s book called ‘The memoirs of Enki’ as it was amusing it can be compared to ESOPS Fables as much of it is simply incorrect. It is also notable that he is the one who was flown to London on a top secret mission to translate something a little more than a year ago and now he is deceased.

Was Zacharia Sitchin Islamic? I am not familiar with all the various sects here on Earth/Gaia at this time I just know he was not born in the United States of America.

While he professes to be an expert at the translation of religious documents especially those of ancient astronauts I personally have to question why he never told anyone about the current ancient alien technology being used on Earth right now and broadcasting throughout the air waves in every nation.

If you read about the Iraq invasion you will see that the first thing they did was take out the Iraqi communications so they had to use Ham and digital radio waves. These are the waves used to transmit the microwave transmissions necessary to project holographic images and must be fairly local. They could not have been projected by the United States as geographically the distances too far however the Dome of Jerusalem is in the proximity that would permit such a transmission.

If he wanted to be scholarly he should have compared the Ancient Astronaut theory to the ancient religious documents of all religions to put all the puzzle pieces together successfully.

I came here to Gaia to help you to know the truth however so much crap has been presented that the average person does not have a clue what is true and what is not so first let me share with you a formula that has never once failed me.

1 + 1 = 2


If it does not then there is an undisclosed hidden variable. You may not be able to recognize it or find it immediately but you have to keep going back to the original formula

1 + 1 = 2

It never equals 2.3 or 7.9 or any other number if it does you have done something wrong and need to go back to the beginning and rework the equation.

So Let ‘s Take A Look At a Few Question Shall We?????

Why would a small country such as Iraq fly a plane into the Twin Towers or attach the United States in any way? Would it not be asking for genocide? Do they in any way, shape or form possess the explosive power to wage war with a country that could wipe them off the face of the Earth? Do you think that the Iraqi people are this stupid?

I do not think so !!@!!

Could this be a ploy to get American soldiers in the Middle East to do the dirty work of Adamites, Israelites and others who never appeared anywhere on Earth until the second century after the crucifixion and are in no way connected to any of the Nephilim.

Why is there so many coded messages being used to communicate over the internet via various sites and searches ? If someone has something important to say and it is not intended to harm anyone why not just spit it out and say it clearly and concisely so that all may hear and understand?

Flim Flam’s Against Humanity

Flim Flam President O’bama - has 2 birth certificates….1 from South Africa and another from Hawaii

Flim Flam Hawaiian Royalty - why is there a ‘Queen’ sitting over an American State that Britain still claims some ownership of

Who does Hawaii belong to The United States of America or The Royal Family of Great Britain?

Flim Flam British Royal Family - Nazi’s who moved from Germany and changed their name to give a sense if legitimacy where there was none.

Flim Flam New Testament Bible – what was wrong with the old testament?

Flim Flam Translations - with a flim flam rosetta that turned everything around and made it only partially true

The DEJAL – one who will prey on the lambs of all nations - MIT


JAPETH – JAPAN - PACIFIC RIM - I hear a lot of scalar transmissions like this

Japanese agent - agent paging phillipine agent black beauty is her code name she won a miss universe pagent in the past and is now function as a double agent for any country willing to pay her






Flim Flam John the Baptist – when you come to the water it means coming through the amniotic fluid of the womb

Why would Jesus want so fool to dunk him in a dam river

Flim Flam Simon - Simon sayeth = simon says

Do as I say thru scalar


FLIM FLAM SETI - Adamites spelled backwards = SETI mad A or SETI MADA

Pick one either is inappropriate considering the Nephilim ships landed in every Nation worldwide in the 1940’s

There were photos published in every paper – did you all forget – we did not

Like I said I have only begun looking at this crap so I am sure there is a lot more to be said and I will say it

Why don’t they send me code blue – they do all the time it just doesn’t work on me

In a recorded conversation I heard recently via scalar waves and the little digital recorder I am using I was privilege to hear a MIT discussion where the Media Lab was threatening the USA military heads by saying. Remember the General who was going to go the British Police, we sent a code blue to his daughter and told him we’d kill the rest of his family if he said another word.

A code blue is a heart attack that is sent by transmitting an electrical pulse to the heart muscle. I do have a photo of this hidden in a wav I recorded.

A code red is when they send an RNA interceptor to cause a disease such as cancer, diabetes, etc…

Have I ever taken a physics class on Earth? No

How do I know about such communication devices used as weapons? I am very familiar with the technology and have been for aeon, eons, and ions

Who am I? I am someone who has come to help you and I will tell you how to protect yourself

What can you do to protect yourself? You must realize that there is no such thing as paranoid schizophrenia

And that there are over 8 million sites on the internet if you do a search for targeted individuals. Did all of these people in all countries worldwide suddenly lose their mind or is someone beaming voices into their head in an attempt to successfully carry out their own agenda?

What I found in the Gnostics from Nag Hamadi Library is

I have only read the Apocalyptic Adam which is short and a part of the Pistis Sophia which is quite lengthy . I will publish them when I am done reading them and tell you what they are saying and I guarantee it will make perfect sense to everyone .

Scalar Holographic technology in religion

Halo of angels – the luminous light around the angelic visions is the holographic halo reflection

The voices out of nowhere that speak to you – scalar transmission

The S-quad or ssss - related to Hitler's personal SS protection unit it was how he controlled the world he was not the most charismatic individual

These are transmitted via sound waves that do not cause the auditory bones to vibrate and that are why they are not heard as an actual voice.