Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How to record and listen to scalar sound waves

The sound system used by MIT to conduct experiments on unsuspecting individuals is the same audio wave looping system used by NASA.

There is a way to record the scalar waves used to do electronic harassment and play it back so that someone who is not a victim can actually hear the voices.

How can you be deemed crazy if you are no longer the only one who can understand what they are saying.

This makes it easy to prove your case not only to those in your life but to a court of law as well.

Even when my home is quiet I record with a small digital recorder then download the .mp3 audio file onto my computer. I then open the file with Adobe soundbooth however there is a free program online called audacity that i have been told works and is used by ghost hunters who are trying to collect EVPs. The important thing is that you can view your audio file as a wav or mp3 in a program that will show you what it looks like in a color spectrum.

The various colors will show you where the conversations are occurring by the individuals responsible.
This is how i analyze my recordings and is what i call the PBBS [public brain broadcasting system]

-- i increase the vocal clarity
-- increase the vocal enhancer
-- remove the noise---this might have to be done several time but each time in between i increase the volume until i can easily hear the voices in the background
--there are usually at least 5 levels of conversations occurring at the same time as the energy wavs run together like a party line
there are often audio loops that are included in the first few layers making I t hard to understand the exact words being said so that is why the color spectrum view is so helpful

the beauty of it is that they do not expect you to be able to hear them so they speak freely and use their own names
not only will you know who they are but you will be able to prove it to someone else without having your own sanity questioned


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